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NEHA (Nepal Education and Health Association) is an NGO providing services of education and health for the needy people in all around Nepal. It started with 7 Nepalese and 2 Norwegian; 7 Nepalese from the same target area and 2 Norwegian during their short visit to Nepal after the earthquake lead these people to do some action together for these poor needy homeless children in Kathmandu Street. The main activities of NEHA include provision of health care through national and international volunteers and donators. WHAT IS NEHA’s LOGO? NEPAL: Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia rich in its...

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About Us

NEHA works around Nepal to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security. We put homeless and helpless street children in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. We believe in urgent action, innovation and the necessity transformation-within Nepal and our own organization. We know that by embracing differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can save Nepal’s most complex problem.

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Our Mission

Provide food, clothes,shelter & education to Homeless and helpless children in the street. We believe ” By transforming children’s lives now, we change the course of their future and our.”

Improve the health and promote the well-being of individual, families and communities in underdeveloped(rural) area of Nepal through education, research and service. Rural and remote areas have difficulties with transport and communication, and they face the challenge of shortage of doctors and other health professionals. Many rural people are caught in the poverty- ill health-low productivity downward spiral. So Nepal Education and Health education was created to focus on rural areas.


Nepal Education and Health Association will be one of the most distinguished Non-profit organization in Nepal and beyond. And fulfill its special obligation to the helpless and homeless.


Focus on public Health

Public health adheres to a strongest prevention and health protection orientation


Provide help, resource and benefits to help homeless and helpless children achieve maximum potential.

Social Justice

Uphold equal rights,protection, opportunity, social benefits to everyone


Be honest, trustworthy, responsible and ethical at all times.


image description Frank Spindelaar

Babu and his sister offer me a place to stay when I was in Nepal to help the victims after the earthquake. Babu asked me to help with his idea to help out this remote village where his family is from. There was a need of rice and dal so we started a Facebook actie. I guess this was the birth of NEHA. I came back 1 year later and I traveled 2 days to visit this village. I could still see the disaster the earthquake left behind here. Most of the people still sleeping in there wooden huts because there houses are unsafe to live in. Babu told me he want to start an NGO to help the people in Nepal and he succeeded. Together with his friend the worked hard to get everthing arrange with a lot of paper work. And now another big step, a beautiful website. Chapeau Babu and friends, great job!

Team members

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Babu Lama Sherpa
President (Nepal)
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Summit Awale
Vice President
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Stian Eliassen
President (Norway)
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Rohit Maharjan
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Mikesh Maharjan
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Kishor Maharjan
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Sajana Maharjan
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Birju Maharjan